Leadership Nudge® 413 – Don’t get stuck on your own ideas admin February 1, 2023

Leadership Nudge® 413 – Don’t get stuck on your own ideas

Keep an open mind to remain flexible and relevant. Here’s David in Syracuse, New York with more.

I’m here in Syracuse, New York, in front of this gorgeous 1930 Franklin Pursuit. And it’s got a gorgeous little airplane as a hood ornament. Why? It has an airplane engine in it – 95 horsepower, air cooled engine.  

Now, the company was very innovative, applying things from the aircraft industry to the cars, but it made the cars very expensive. This car cost $2,750 at a time when you could buy a Ford for $500. They were successful. It was great.  

But then what happened? The market changed, crashed, and in 1929 the Great Depression. And they didn’t change. They were just stuck on this old idea. No matter how much they could innovate on it, it was just too expensive of a car. They went out of business in 1934.  

You got to be able to let go of your great ideas when they’re no longer relevant, even if they were YOUR great ideas.  

I’m David Marquet. That’s your Leadership Nudge.