Leadership Nudge® 403 – The Desire to Win Doesn’t Matter admin October 12, 2022

Leadership Nudge® 403 – The Desire to Win Doesn’t Matter

Everyone has the desire to win, but that’s not what matters. Here’s David with more.

It’s not the desire to win that matters, it’s the desire to prepare to win.  

I’m here on my neighbor’s yard in Englewood, Florida, six days after Hurricane Ian. And you can see the big debris fields. Unfortunately, they’ve lost two big live oaks over here. But here’s the good news, this power pole and the ones up and down the street used to be wood. But over the last couple of years, Florida Power and Light replaced them with these concrete poles. Almost 3 million people lost power. And the original estimate was it was going to take up to 9 October to restore and then they backed that up to 7 October. And that’s pretty good, considering the strength of the storm that hit us.  

And Florida Power and Light was criticized a little bit for spending all this money upgrading the transmission lines, burying lines and replacing wooden poles with concrete poles. But when the storm hit, they were ready. And as bad as it was, it could have been worse. It’s not the desire to win. Everybody has the desire to win once the gun goes off and you are at the start line of a marathon. It was the desire to prepare to win that matters.  

I’m David Marquet. That’s your Leadership Nudge.