Leadership Nudge™ 185 – Gemba Walk admin December 27, 2017

Leadership Nudge™ 185 – Gemba Walk

One of the good things for leaders to do is do a “walk-about” and you go see where the work is. This is called a “Gemba Walk”. “Gemba” meaning the place where the work happens.

Now, here’s the secret: When you’re on your Gemba Walk, don’t be the good idea fairy. Don’t interfere with the work. A lot of leaders say, “Oh, I have an answer. Let me help you. Etc.” You’re interfering with the work.

If the team invites you to help; fine. Otherwise, you can say “Hey, how’s it going?” That kind of thing, but resist trying to jump in and solve their problems.

Maybe, if they say “We have a problem”, then ask “How can I help?”

On your Gemba Walks, resist being the good idea fairy.