Turn followers into leaders. Start today – free chapter download, Turn Your Ship Around! admin July 23, 2019

Turn followers into leaders. Start today – free chapter download, Turn Your Ship Around!

When we are clear on where we are going and have the tools we need to get there, we can truly accomplish remarkable things.

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 1.02.57 AMIn Turn the Ship Around! we introduced a bold new approach to leadership, based on the experiences we had turning around the troubled submarine USS Santa Fe. We gave up the traditional command-and-control model and instead inspired the crew to assume responsibility for every individual action. The Santa Fe rapidly improved its dismal performance record, and started winning awards as the best ship in its class.

Now we have created a workbook so readers can apply the methods we used on the submarine to their own organizations. With extensive questions and exercises on how to delegate and inspire, this workbook will help readers build a work community based on personal responsibility and trust.

Turn Your Ship Around, a companion to Turn the Ship Around, is filled with extensive questions and lessons on how to delegate and inspire others. Whether you sit in a cubicle or stand watch on a submarine, these tools and lessons will help you create healthier and more effective work places. No matter your business position, you can apply the guidelines of Intent-Based Leadership® and create environments where people contribute and feel valued.

The workbook will be available January 27th, but we want to give you a sneak peek! A free, password-protected chapter from the workbook can be accessed by clicking this link, Sneak Peek – Turn Your Ship Around! and entering the password: “sneakpeek.”

If you enjoy the chapter, feel free to share it with your friends.

Here’s to creating work places where people are healthier and happier because they have more control over their work – a place where everyone is a leader.

Get a copy.