Give a Better Speech: Organize it Like Katy Perry admin July 23, 2019

Give a Better Speech: Organize it Like Katy Perry

This blog is about organizing your speech. I had been working on this for over a year as a public speaker when I happened to watch Katy Perry’s Part of Me. And it hit me…organize the speech like a concert!

At the highest level is the concert, which consists of sets, which consist of songs, which consist of verses and refrain. In between the songs there is a pause.

So there you have it! I think of the refrain as the tweet that I want people to send out. I might put the actual words on a slide and I am not afraid of repeating it. These will be the only words on the slides.

Each “song” should be about 3 minutes long but I am not rigid about it. Typically I will have one or two picture slides for this and then the refrain words.

In between “songs” I have learned not to be afraid of a decent pause. I will count to 3 silently to make sure I pause. Typically, pauses feel like a very long time to the speaker.

For a single 60-75 minute keynote, there’s only set but if it’s a seminar, then there sets with breaks just like the concert.

Now, if I can just get those twirly thing on my shirt…

See this post on Q&A.