August 31, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 398 – Turn the Conversation AroundLeaders create opportunities for people to ask questions, but also pose questions to start conversations. This helps Leaders...
August 24, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 397 – Let’s Provide InformationLeaders provide information to help mitigate anxiety and mistakes. Here's David to Heathrow Airport with an example. “Provide...
August 3, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 394 – The Flow of Information MattersTop-down organizations make it difficult for information to flow from the bottom up. Here's Peter, in Iceland, with...
June 15, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 390 – Give information, not instructionLeaders give information, not instructions, so people with control can make better decisions based on that information. Here's...
April 27, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 384 – Change Your PerspectiveDe-escalate your emotions in stressful situations by imagining you are observing the situation from another vantage point. Watch...
April 20, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 383 – Change “to me” to “for me”David suggests how to move toward a growth mindset by replacing one simple word. I received a one-word...
April 13, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 382 – Bring Me a Rock, part 2Leaders can provide Organizational Clarity during the initial decision phase of a project to guide the team. With...
March 30, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 380 – Question MasterPractice using open questions to be curious, not compelling. Watch David explain how to become a Question Master....
February 23, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 376 – Earn the right to ask questions of clarificationBut first . . . redwork When you are asked to work on a project, start by doing...
February 16, 2022 Leadership Nudge® 375 – Stop saying “I’m just . . .”When we use self-deprecating language, we negate the words that follow. Stop saying things like "I'm just ....