A new leadership manifesto? admin July 23, 2019

A new leadership manifesto?

I’m thinking of expressing a leader-leader manifesto (inspired by the Agile Manifesto)

How would you change this:

Leader-Leader Manifesto

We follow these Principles…

  • We never view people as a means but always as our purpose.
  • We reject our long history of leadership focused on getting people do, and instead commit to leading in a way that helps people think.
  • We reject the idea of fixing personalities, and instead commit to creating environments where everyone can be great, just the way they are.
  • We recognize that we don’t see everything, and commit to being curious about what others see, and think.
  • We reject the idea that leaders take control and attract followers, and instead commit to leadership that gives control and creates additional leaders.
  • We reject the idea that information should be pushed to those with authority, and instead commit to finding ways to push authority to information
  • We understand that we will fail to live up to our commitment and appreciate our own fallibility resolving to try again.
  • We resolve not to fixate on avoiding errors, but rather to focus on creating an environment where people aspire to greatness.