Leadership Nudge® 108 – Magna Carta admin July 5, 2016

Leadership Nudge® 108 – Magna Carta

Leadership NudgeTM – Magna Carta 

This week’s Leadership NudgeTM is more of a nod. It is a nod to a very important document, the Magna Carta. One of the copies is enshrined in the Salisbury Cathedral in England. This copy is one of four surviving from its original issue in 1215, 801 years ago.

The Magna Carta champions the idea that we are all accountable under rule of law, even the king. The king is just as accountable as everyone else. This document has been an inspiration for constitutions written since then. It is also an inspiration for Intent based-LeadershipTM because the idea is that we are all accountable to the idea to follow the principles of our organizations. At the same time, we should chart our own path for how we do that. In other words, we are all leaders, but we are also followers. We follow principles.

Our nudge to you this week is this;

Take a look at your organizations principles. . .are you following them?

Let us know what you find?

Enroll for the Leadership Nudge – www.davidmarquet.com